FlashFXP: Configuring your website in FlashFXP Print

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Configuring your website in FlashFXP

This tutorial assumes you already have FlashFXP and have it running on your computer, but not connected to another server

Click Sites at the top of the FlashFXP window

Now let's learn how to configure our website in FlashFXP

Then select Site Manager

Click the New Group button

The Site Manager window opens up

To help manage our websites, let's create a new group

Enter a Group name for this new group

Then click OK

Here is the new group we just created

Once the new group is selected, click the New Site button

Enter a name for the new website

Then click OK

Type the FTP address of the website here

Enter the username of the website's hosting account here

The new website name appears here, under the group we created earlier

Now we have to fill in the details of our website, so FlashFXP can connect to it via FTP

Note: If the domain name has not yet propagated, you'll have to enter the website's IP address instead of the domain name

If entering the IP address, do not include ftp. before it..... just enter the IP address

Enter the password here

Enter the remote path where your website files should be uploaded within your hosting account

Select the Local Path, which is the location on your computer that you want displayed in the left side window of FlashFXP

Then click OK

..... then click the Apply button

Double check to make sure everything has been entered properly.....

Click Close

Click the Connect button (looks like a lightning bolt)

That's it! We've successfully configured our website in FlashFXP

Select Demo Webs, the group we created earlier

There is the website we just configured. Clicking on it would initiate an FTP connection

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure a website in FlashFXP, for the purposes of establishing an FTP connection

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